
MS Paint, You can still do the best.....

 MS Paint... Oh! When I used it today after 10 years, my memories took me back to my school days. It was the first ever software I used as a child. It was a great experience picking up the tools and painting my own imagination. Especially the UNDO (Ctrl+Z) option which learnt from this, because when ever I did a mistake, I knew there was this UNDO guy to save me. And I wish I really had a undo option in my life too..

Dandelion, I really like the spirituality of this flower.They stand tall, feeling so light in the air, clubbed! finally , when the wind blows, it flies away never expecting to return to this core where they stood.... And we all will fly away a day, knowing we never longed here! :)


Kambala, an annually held traditional buffalo race in coastal karnataka. This race is a great subject for manifesting the talents of not only the race teams, also to the photographers and artists around.